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Showing posts from July, 2012

Where are we the moment and where are we going to?

Been a while since my last post, several reasons for this, at personal level I been having some serious health issues and at a more professional level been busy and studying the markets and finance as whole quite a bit lately. The World economy is decelerating quite a bit and by the way this is the official number , which is well know in many cases not to be a the true picture on the "ground": The chart represents the three big engines of the world economy, the US,China & Germany and all are in a declining rate of change, even after further stimulus efforts made by the 3 central bans, The fed, the PBOC and the ECB, so in my opinion the action taken for example by PBOC in cutting RRR and the rate on deposits / Loans for 1 year maturity has not been extreme enough to "provoke" consumers & business to increase internal demand, please see the link bellow, another big problem is facing is the fact that the world economies are decreasing their demand