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Showing posts from August, 2011

Are we in recession??!!

Are we in a recession already? According to the latest data it seems or we are already or very close, at least in the US, and if the US economy is in recession and still being the biggest in terms of nominal $ in the world, probably the world economy will follow suit, even as the EM economies are forecast to keep growing at healthy levels, but not enough to off set the weak US and European economic present state. Let's look at this great chart (courtesy of John Mauldin and street talk advisor's): As we can see in this chart the US economy is already or very close to recession, and even this being a new formed index, not just the creator have a great street credentials but also the components they used are leading indicators and highly correlated to predicting correctly recessions/growth! At the same time we have the serious problems in Europe, where not just governments are cutting spending, to balance their overstretched finances plus the banking system there is insolv

Welcome with a BANG!!!

Welcome to one of my blogs, where not just you will be able to see any live trades I execute(also through the Twitter feed on the left side) but where I put across my points of view about present economic issues but also any relevant issues and opinions I feel that maybe of some interest to our common goals, to accumulate wealth through speculation and proper and sound investments. I will for now be short and will come back, still this weekend, where I will start to open discussions on the "almost" flash crash of last week, on the new downgrade from S&P credit rating agency to the US, from AAA to AA+ and also on the mountain of worries that Europe have to climb this week to calm and anchor the markets from possible meltdown! This is where we stand for the week in the S&P 500 :  So, see you soon!!